G-08-04. Sound Happens

Creative headDenis Kerimov
Author of ideaLarisa Fortuna
ProductFacebook page of the agency
Everyone knows that a company’s Facebook page is a tool for searching for new projects. However, it only works when your subscribers aren’t random people but potential clients.
When each post reminds the people you want to target that you exist, sooner or later new projects will start pouring in.
But here is where lies the problem: where do we get those subscribers who are also potential clients?
To find and engage the subscribers who are also potential clients
Solution – mechanics
Potential clients can be found… among current clients.
- Firstly, a happy client is likely to come back in the future. So, a current one is also a potential client.
- Secondly, the current client has a number of professional contacts on his personal Facebook page. So, the friends of the current client are potential clients as well.
The only thing left to do is to motivate our clients for two actions:
- to subscribe to our newsfeed
- to bring as many friends as possible to our page
A standard mechanics will help us here:
- We give a teaser souvenir to our clients (e.g. for February 23 or March 8)
- They need to take pictures with this souvenir and upload it to their Facebook page
- They invite their friends to like the photo
- The one who has the most likes gets a superprize
To make this mechanics work, we needed to solve several serious problems:
- to serve as a teaser the souvenir should be very unusual
- the superprize must be very attractive to be wanted by those who already have everything
- the photo contest should be very basic to engage the most participants
- the whole campaign should be very unusual to attract both clients and their friends
Solution – creative
Choosing a communication trigger
We decided to make use of the gift tradition of February 23 and March 8. This is generally the period of reduced client activity, so boosting it is very relevant. To make our gift stand out of all others, we shifted the date when we deliver it to February 28 – something in between February 23 and March 8.
Idea of the campaign
Spring means new rhythms of life, of work and of relationships. We offered to speed these rhythms up to make spring even more present. This approach encompassed both gender holidays in one campaign.
Teaser souvenir
The simplest tambourine saying Sound happens. Let’s make it loud! and its picture of a jazz band on the membrane won over the clients’ hearts.
We made an inexpensive but also a non-standard gift which was interactive and mood-improving, woke up the inner child within people, was related to the campaign’s idea and pleased both men and women.
Btw, the images were hand made by our own hands, using our custom-made stencils.
It was a unique decorational art double bass with a stunning acid-jazz inspired aerographic print, an in-built WOW-effect and the real bass sound.
So, to arouse the interest of those who have everything, we bought a usual double bass and customized it. And it worked! Everyone who saw the instrument, said Wow, I want the same for my living room/office/dacha! We even thought about serial production.
Subject of the photo contest
Take a picture of how the tambourine completed the rhythm of your life
Due to its simplicity, this subject didn’t cause troubles and made our clients take pictures with our present.
How we gained subscribers
Facebook only allows publishing pictures and vote by liking via a special app, so that’s what we did. But to participate one should have signed up to our newsfeed. That’s why both the clients and their friends who voted became our subscribers.
Results of the campaign
? +880 subscribers, 78 participants of the contest
? 450 extra-positive feedbacks from our clients
? 44 650 general coverage of unique users in the network
? An unusual way to wish our clients happy holidays and to demonstrate the agency’s creative potential
? More briefs from the clients – we managed to wake them up!
? Tons of positive emotions both for us and for the clients. The year started very well!
AdvertiserBeeTL PR-department
Team membersLarisa Fortuna \ Denis Kerimov \ Leo Ibragimov \ Mihail Lovchan \ Mihail Shcherbakov \ Ludmila Simkina