
Film Jury

Ema Prisca

ECD, Windfor's (Georgia)

Ema Prisca is a Creative Director with more than 30 international, regional and local awards for creativity and efficiency in communication, for campaigns developed both in the eastern and western Europe. In the last four years, she was also professor and tutor at the first creativity school in Romania, founded by the Art Director Club Romania. Since 2011, Ema has served as the president of this professional association.

Her experience in advertising counting almost thirteen years ensured a rich ground for the executive master she took at the Berlin School of Creative Leadership. In the last years, Prisca was invited as juror in several international creative awards shows like Golden Drum, Cresta, New York Festival, ADC Europe.

Professional background:

In November 2012, Prisca joined Windfor’s Georgia as Executive Creative Director. Prior to this, she ensured creative leadership for Grey-G2 Romania as Executive Creative Director, leading 45 creatives and directing creativity for 30 brands.

Before that Ema was creative partner at the innovation boutique Kardumen, based in Barcelona.

Prior to that, Ema spent nine months in a sabbatical interlude dedicated to academic activity, as master student at Berlin School of Creative Leadership. She graduated in November 2010, when presented the thesis called “Selling Big Ideas. A tool kit for the advertising agencies.”

Before, Prisca led the creative department of BBDO Romania. As creative director she developed regional and local creative strategies for a pool of twenty-five brands among them: Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Wrigley, Mars, Dacia Renault, Romtelecom. After two years in the position, she won the title Agency of the Year. 
